
Active Citizen Europe (ACE) vzw/asbl is a non-profit organisation based in Brussels that works with young people to foster their integration within society through innovative and participatory programmes, advocacy, intercultural work and the promotion of citizenship education to give them the tools to create dialogue, constructive debate and real action in a multicultural society.

Latest News

Interested in youth inclusion and migrant and refugee child welfare?  Seeking volunteer experience? Looking for something to do this summer or autumn?

We are looking for motivated volunteers to support our inclusion activities!  Interested?  Send us your CV at contact@activecitizeneurope.org


Active Citizen Europe expresses its deepest

 concern about the safety of all civilians, especially women,children, the sick and the elderly.

Immediate humanitarian corridors into Gaza must be established and allowed to operate, and effective monitoring and protection schemes put into place to safeguard the safe passage of all civilians regardless of origin.

© 2022 Active Citizen Europe asbl/vzw